Department of Theory, Technology and Automation of Metallurgical Processes

Department manager: Yuriy Stupak
Phone: (0562) 47-18-87
The history of the Sub-faculty of Theory, technology and automation of metallurgical processes (TTAMP) is inextricably linked with the history of the Nikopol Faculty. During its existence, the department has trained more than a hundred specialists who successfully work at the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex in cities Nikopol, Marganets, Pokrov, Dnipro as well as in other cities, including in far beyond Ukraine.
Among the traditional partners of the Nikopol Faculty of the Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology (USUNT), which is the main "springboard" of the department's activities, are the largest enterprises of the Nikopol region: the Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant, a number of pipe industry enterprises (Interpipe, Centravis, Titan-Ukraine, Trubostal and many others). , Pokrovsky and Marganetsky GZK. Agreements on social partnership have been concluded between these enterprises and USUNT, which provide for the training of specialists for the needs of customer enterprises and scientific and technical support of enterprises from the faculty of the department and USUNT.
The department is proud of its teaching staff, which is traditionally represented by doctors and candidates of sciences who have a solid scientific and pedagogical experience and work experience in production. The personnel potential of the department allows for the training of qualified specialists from a wide range of directions and specializations provided for by the current (accredited) educational programs. As of the 2023-24 academic year, the faculty provides training under the accredited OP Metallurgy, which provides for two specializations: "Metallurgy of ferrous metals, incl. electrometallurgy" and "Pressure processing of metals: rolling production; pipe production; design and computer support of technological processes".
The teachers of the department use modern technical means and teaching methods in the educational process. Due to the circumstances of the martial law, today the educational process is supported by distance learning and social communication tools (Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom, Viber, GMail, Telegram, etc.). Practically all disciplines taught by the department are equipped with methodological developments, textbooks and literature in electronic (digital) format.