Kovzik Anatoliy
Department manager
candidate of technical science, assistant professor
E-mail: anatoliykovzik@gmail.com
Phone : (+38056) 374-83-42, +380504810010
Room : 209
Associate professor of department of coating, composition materials and defence of metals of the National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (NMetAU).
Reads courses:
- "Diagnostics of powder-like materials";
- "Equipment of workshops of powder-like metallurgy";
- "Planning of workshops of powder-like metallurgy";
- "Physical and chemical methods of research of materials";
- "Technology of production and treatment of materials";
- "Technology of heat-resistant materials".
NIRS leads, by production practices, course and diploma planning of students.
Specialist in area of production of powders alloyed powder-like materials, filters, research of properties of powders and sintered materials. Can execute the proper researches; develop technological tasks on the production of powders, construction powder-like wares, filters.
Basic advanced studies:
1. Романов С.М., Острик П.Н., Ковзик А.Н. Исследование свойств экономнолегированных порошковых сталей//Сб. трудов "Проблемы металлургического производства", вып.105. -К.: Техніка, 1991.
2. Острик П.Н., Ковзик А.Н., Свинолобова И.Н. Свойства порошка железомедной лигатуры//Порошковая металлургия. -1997. -N11/12.
3. Грещик А.М., Ковзик А.Н., Внуков А.А., Рослик И.Г. Исследование процесса получения порошков из окалины колесопрокатного производства//Дніпропетровськ: Наука і освіта. -2005.