Raspopova Yuliya
candidate of economical science, assistant professor
E-mail: juraspopova@gmail.com
Phone : +38 (056) 374 84 95
Room : 349
Mrs. Raspopova has graduated from the Dnipropetrovsk Metallurgic Institute (former name of the National Metallurgic Academy of Ukraine) specializing in "Economics and Organization of Metallurgic Industry". Between 1988 and 2003 she worked for a number of enterprises in Dnipropetrovsk as an economist, accountant and chief accountant. From 2003 on, Mrs. Raspopova works for the National Metallurgic Academy of Ukraine. She is lecturing students in a number of disciplines, mostly in "Analysis of Economic Activities", "Accounting in Sectors of Economy", "Accounting and Financial Reporting in Tax Assessment", "Organization of Accounting".
Scientific interests of Mrs. Raspopova include problems of accounting at iron and steel manufacturing enterprises, with focus on payroll accounting in this industry. She is the author of over 100 science-and-methodology works and scientific studies that have been published.
In 2009, Mrs. Raspopova successfully defended her Candidate's Thesis titled "Motivating personnel of a metallurgic plant to produce high-quality steel" and obtained an academic degree of Candidate of economical science.