All-Ukrainian competition Student's scientific works From branches of knowledge and specialties
The winners of the 2nd round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works and the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in 2016/2017.
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in the 2020-2021 academic year..pdf (nmo-1457-1.pdf 874 kb)
The Regulation on the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated April 18, 2017, No. 605 is ( 52 kb)
nmo-1179.pdf (nmo-1179.pdf 1300 kb)
nakaz_dodatok_proved.konk.stud.nauk_robit_2021-22.pdf (nakaz_dodatok_proved.konk.stud.nauk_robit_2021-22.pdf 663 kb)
Order аbout holding Allukrainian competition of student science sobyt from the knowledge of specialties 2019/2020 for the first time.pdf (nmo-1271.pdf 6389 kb)
About pisusski Allukrainian competition of student science sobyt from the knowledge of specialties from 2017/2018 to the Navy.doc (nmo-827_itogi_ol._18.doc 2584 kb)
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 05.10.20 № 1220 "On the results of the all-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the fields of knowledge and specialties in 2019/2020" (nmo-1220_itogi_konkursa_20.doc 3566 kb)
Order on the results of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2017/2018 academic year.pdf (nakaz_monu_902.pdf 552 kb)
Uplink: Student Science